Aug 29, 2022, 1:50 AM
News ID: 84869714
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Int’l Union of Muslim Scholars condemn Turkey-Zionists’ normalized ties

Tehran, IRNA – The International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS) issuing a communique rejecting the false news on its support for Turkey’s naturalizing of relations with the Zionist regime, strongly condemned that trend in general.

The IUMS in its Sunday statement said that a statement issued a couple of days ago has been fake and it has not been issued by the union, since the union is not only opposed to Turkey’s move, but also condemns the trend of some Arab and regional countries’ normalizing relations with that usurper regime.

The Arabic 21 analytical news website that published IUMS statement also announced that the news broadcast by some media about welcoming of IUMS after Tel Aviv’s naturalized ties with Ankara after Zionist regime head Isaac Herzog visited Turkey were all false news.

The union has also condemned Herzog’s visit to Turkey, considering it “a defeated step aimed at naturalizing ties with the Islamic world.”

The IUMS has in the statement also expressed deep sorrow that the Turkish President Recep Tayyib Erdogan has personally received Herzog at the airport.

The union has meanwhile asked the Muslim world public opinion not to fall prey to the politically- motivated campaign that intends to ruin the fame of the International Union of Muslim scholars.

Supporting the righteous ideal of the Palestinian nation and assisting the oppressed Palestinian nation in every possible way, both financially and spiritually is a legitimate commitment, and humanistic necessity, and a dire responsibility for the world Muslims of all times, the statement concluded.


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